How it started
The International Council for Higher Education (ICHE) was officially established in 1997 in Switzerland by concerned educators joined together on vital issues facing Christian higher education across the world. Since its founding, ICHE has addressed these wide-ranging educational concerns by networking and collaborating with educators, specialist agencies, and institutions worldwide. Through these relationships, established colleges and universities have been able to make significant contributions to institutions in the developing world through strategic service and program partnerships.

Statement of Faith
We believe the following affirmations to be foundational to life and educational practice:
One God, the creator, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who is the ground of truth and who reveals himself in creation and in his Word;
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom (Colossians 2:3), God manifest in the flesh, his virgin birth, his sinless life of loving service, his divine miracles, his vicarious and atoning death, his bodily resurrection, his ascension, his mediatorial work, and his personal return in power and glory;
The Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth (John 16:13), and by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness, and to work for the Lord Jesus Christ;
The Holy Scriptures, originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely truthful, the supreme authority in all matters of faith, learning, and life, the true record of God’s work of creation, redemption, and the consummation of history. The creation of humankind, male and female, in the image of God, called to be stewards of creation in its multifaceted dimensions (Genesis 1:26);
Salvation of lost and sinful humanity has been made available through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, by faith, apart from works;
The unity of all believers, the Church, the body of Christ, to which Christ has given gifted leaders to equip God’s people for spiritual maturity and works of service;
The resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the saved to the resurrection of life, the lost to the resurrection of damnation;
The great commandment and the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, which urge us to equip his people by example and training, and to reach out to the world in which he calls us to serve in justice and love.
To advance the cause of Christian scholarship all over the world, particularly in countries where educational opportunities are restricted, and to help our members develop sustainable and integrated models of higher education that reflect biblical faith through learning and service.
Aims & Objectives
To facilitate a global network of individuals and institutions dedicated to the cause of Christian higher education.
Program & Professional Development
To assist in the areas of curricula and program development, vision formation, faculty development, leadership development, teaching methods, and textbook/content delivery.
To facilitate partnership building through student, faculty, and institutional collaboration and exchanges.
To provide accreditation and validation services for programs and degrees in the social sciences, education, theology, business, and other fields that are interdisciplinary in nature.