Membership to the Council is open to institutions and agencies of higher education throughout the world, and to those organisations whose reputation is founded upon a commitment to the Mission and Bylaws of ICHE.
All members are encouraged to attend ICHE conferences and pay annual membership fees set by the Council.
Membership Benefits
The International Council for Higher Education is a network of institutions committed to integrated higher education from a Christian perspective. It labors to empower people, engage relevant cultural issues, transform communities, and strengthen the ability of institutions especially in restricted parts of the world to remain linked to other like-minded schools. Joining ICHE as an Institutional Member has significant benefits that may help higher education leaders and institutions to fulfill their mission in the collaborative environment of ICHE’s network.
Each year ICHE conducts conferences at which leaders from member institutions convene for resourcing, networking, and fellowship. These Conferences are conducted in a different country of the world each year. Every other year Regional Conferences are held and in alternating years, a Global Conference occurs. Participation by ICHE member institutions serves as a means to stay connected and receive the valuable help of global experts in the sessions and it networking that occurs.
Each Institutional Member is entitled to one vote at Council meetings which are conducted at the Global Conference. By this members help in shaping the growing strategic influence ICHE has.
ICHE offers accreditation for its Institutional Members which includes a self-study followed by an Evaluation Site Visit. This accreditation provides opportunity for the institution to be recognized by other national and international educational entities for ongoing opportunities for their graduates.
ICHE member institutions are eligible for a discounted subscription to the GDTL containing over 250,000 digitized volumes of theological books, journals, and publications. Each institution may provide access to all students for the duration of their studies to assist with research and assignments.
The principal contact for each Institutional Member will receive an annual electronic subscription for five issues per year of the peer-reviewed Christian Higher Education Journal, the premier journal in the world on the subject.
Issued once each year, institutional members will receive a PDF copy of this peer-reviewed journal from an African perspective.
Institutional Members may participate in and utilize academic programs developed specially for its members. These include degree programs capable of being offered collaboratively with other ICHE institutions and are prepared by global experts.
ICHE has available global experts in many areas of higher education. Institutional Members may gain access to these experts for advice and assistance by means of ICHE staff and leadership.
Full membership is open to universities, colleges, training institutes, seminaries and other organizations who share the mission of ICHE; they are entitled to one vote in the Council.
How can your institution become an ICHE member?
If you wish to join the ICHE or renew your membership, please write to to ichenetwork@gmail.com.
Payment can be made via cheque, demand draft (DD), or wire transfer.
Institutional Membership
Please look through this information to understand the membership fee slab appllicable to your institution.
$120 U.S.
$180 U.S.
$240 U.S.
$300 U.S.