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Who to Contact
President's Office
Dr. Kevin Mannoia
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa, California, 91702 USA
Director of Accreditation
Dr. Paul Mohan Raj
No. 54, MIG, KHB Colony
Koramangala, 5th Block
Bangalore 560 095 India
Telephone: +91-080-25531154 / 25534103, Cell: 9480332087
Director of Operations
Mr. Santosh Gnanakan
No. 54, MIG, KHB Colony
Koramangala, 5th Block
Bangalore 560 095 India
Telephone: +91-080-25531154 / 25534103
Director of Academic Programs
Dr. Frances Wu
Azusa Pacific University
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa, California, 91702 USA
Ms Christobelle Gnanakan
Email: (for membership)